The Walled Garden is situated at Stanstead Bury Farm near Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire.
The families who have lived here have been growing vegetables in the walled garden for more than three hundred years - a tradition we want to continue.

These run throughout the year. The aim is to get children of all ages interested in gardening and to allow them the chance to grow and maintain vegetables and plants. We began the workshops for children in The Walled Garden in March 2018.

We have held two successful pop up restaurants in our beautiful listed hay barn. I am interested in hearing from local chefs who would like to hold a pop up restaurant the main theme being using local produce especially beef and vegetables produced here.

We have a small herd of Red Poll cattle who are grass fed and have a very happy life grazing in our fields. We sell our delicious beef and we are keen to sell to local suppliers.

The most sustainable way to do Christmas: We rent you a Christmas tree, deliver it to your door with it's roots still attached and then collect and replant it after the holidays ready to rent again the following year. This year our trees are still growing and most of them are 3-4ft tall. The trees we have that are 4ft plus were all rented out last year and priority will be given to those previous customers. If they don't want to rent their tree this year I will have a few 4.6ft trees available.

We have a beautiful listed hay barn and are interested in hearing from people who would like to hire it for rustic events.

I am now responsible for this garden and am keen to enlist the help of any children and their adults who might want to get involved in some growing too.
I am a Montessori trained teacher, with a degree in Environmental Conservation, and have spent many years running nursery schools, including one here in the village and working with young children.
I have run gardening workshops at many schools in Hertfordshire and run after school garden clubs with inner city children. I currently run nature workshops in nursery schools and am very keen to encourage children to get outdoors, get muddy, grow food and learn about nature and farming.